Global Counseling

Through appreciating the richness and beauty of different cultures Ashley has developed the value of understanding the complexities that surround cultural identity and family, in cultures different from her own.  Considering all aspect of a client’s worldview is always a consideration when evaluating treatment options and services. Additionally, the stigma of mental health counseling continues to exist around the world. It takes courage to step out and ask for help. She hopes that together you can explore areas of growth that lead to healing while respecting your cultural values and the unique challenges you might be facing

Ashley has personal experience living abroad for more than five years. She knows the excitement and the challenges individuals and families face living internationally.  Through those experiences, Ashley has learned how difficult it can be to navigate being an expat and living in an unknown environment, with language barriers and cultural differences.  The need for greater support can produce unexpected stress resulting in anxiety/depression. Virtual sessions can be a benefit when living in a place where there is limited to access to an English-speaking therapist.